Web Hosting Tutorial for Beginners: Domain Registration, DNS & How to Host a Website Explained

Web Hosting Tutorial for Beginners: Domain Registration, DNS & How to Host a Website Explained

what's up everyone ray Delvecchio here in the last 10 years I've built almost 70 websites and haven't gone through the analytics they've been seen by close to 1 million people which is pretty mind-blowing all of those website projects were unique however the core elements of how to set up a website remain the same every single time this article is for the beginners out there that want to build our first website and are confused by all the tech jargon that goes along with that process if that sounds like you stick around because we're gonna go through the basics of how domain registration and website hosting work and then we'll discuss what the various web hosting package types mean and the pros and cons of each and hopefully by the end you'll have a better understanding of how to choose the right one for your situation so let's start with how websites work and I created a real simple graphic here to go over the process of domain registration and website hosting for this example I picked two of the big companies out there godaddy.com and Hostgator calm I use both of them personally and GoDaddy is most popular for domains but all of these companies generally offer all services so GoDaddy has hosting domains website builders and Hostgator does the same exact thing.

 I haven't had a good experience with GoDaddy hosting which is why I've stayed away from them from hosting perspective but I've had no problems with them just for a domain registration so when you register your domain with GoDaddy you're gonna get access to these DNS settings for each domain that you register and then when you sign up with a hosting company like Hostgator they're gonna send you their DNS servers so you sign up with your Hostgator account and they're gonna send you likely to DNS servers all you have to do is go into your GoDaddy settings and plug in your Hostgator dns servers that's literally all you need to get set up with your website and the DNS server its function is to translate your domain into an IP address so all it does is when you as the visitor go to a website you know you open up your browser and type in a domain name it's going to send that domain name to a DNS server where it maps it to the IP address of your web host and that's where it gets all the files from so that's how the website is downloaded so hopefully that wasn't too confusing for you and I hope that this graphic is simple enough to understand but really all you need to remember is that when you register your domain wherever you register the domain you should have access to DNS settings and whatever you put within those DNS settings that's going to define where your website is hosted now before we go into the hosting packages we have to figure out what your goal is you might be one to do one of many things so the first questions that you're gonna want to ask yourself are do you want to create one website only or if we project into the future are you planning to build multiple websites and as multiple websites mean two or three or does it mean maybe 10 or 20 and then you have to think about the software that you're gonna use to build the website are you building from scratch with HTML do you want to use a content management system like WordPress are you just going to use templates or a builder offered by the web hosting company like Hostgator or GoDaddy or are you planning on doing custom development and maybe even code with a higher-level language like PHP or JavaScript and last but not least consider the traffic of the website so if you're just starting out a website it's not gonna have high traffic it's gonna take a while to build up the traffic and then even for established websites they might be low traffic. If they're local and then on the other end of the spectrum you might have a global oriented website based around a hobby or a general interest that applies to people worldwide and in those cases once you get to a point of high traffic your web hosting options are gonna change and I have to point this out you'll see a lot of people that leave bad reviews for cheaper web hosting companies there are people that don't consider the beginners experience you know you can always upgrade there's nothing wrong with starting with a cheaper package and upgrading down the road when you start getting more traffic so let's look at the options that are going to be available to you on the majority of web hosting companies across the Internet more than likely you're gonna be choosing from one of these. 

Types of packages shared hosting reseller hosting a virtual private server dedicated hosting cloud hosting and managed WordPress hosting the first one is shared hosting and this is the cheapest the quickest and the easiest to get started you're gonna see really great deals for shared hosting packages and this is really dominated by the big companies I mean that's really how all markets are anything cheap is gonna be dominated by big companies and anything that's really expensive is by small companies that offer a high end customer service experience with that said the main Conda shared hosting is that as the name suggests you're gonna be sharing your hosting package with a lot of other websites depending on you know who your neighbors are that might mean that your website is gonna load slower now what that said I think it's the option that you should start with if you're a beginner for the reason of it being cheap and that you can always upgrade the next one is reseller hosting and this is what I started with many years ago I had the vision that I wanted to create websites for small businesses and local businesses so from the get-go I knew that I wanted a plan where I can create multiple hosting accounts and that's really what it resell roasting is it's pretty much shared hosting but where you can create unlimited websites and as as this name suggests you can actually sell hosting plans you don't need to create websites specifically you could literally just create hosting accounts and let the people figure it out themselves a step above that is VPS hosting and this is virtual private server and with this you're getting resources that act like your own so so it acts as though it's not being shared with other websites even though from a physical perspective it might literally be on the same server but their software overtop of it they give you dedicated resources to run your website so you don't have to worry about other websites interfering with your performance they also give you root access so if you need to do any technical stuff for IT level stuff you're gonna have more options with a VPS server versus a shared hosting server and the main downside is that this is going to cost more than shared hosting and it's also not as scalable as some of the other options if you do start to get more traffic one step above VPS is dedicated hosting so this is where you actually get physical resources you know you get a physical web server that is all yours and that's where your website runs so this is generally expensive I think I've never looked into this for myself but just having browsed around I've seen prices anywhere from like seventy five dollars to two hundred dollars per month for dedicated hosting plans so this is something that you're really only gonna need if you have a high traffic website and you're a technical kind of person nowadays a popular option is cloud hosting so instead of your hosts being on a physical computer you know sitting somewhere maybe in the United States or internationally your website hosting is on the cloud and the big advantage to this is that you have redundancy so it's usually faster it's more scalable especially if the traffic surges start to happen you know your site's not gonna crash as easily as it would if you were on a shared server that only had a specific amount of you know RAM or memory so this is gonna cost you a little bit more and the other downside is that you might not get the same access that you would if you had a dedicated server and a similar version of cloud hosting is managed WordPress hosting so this is specifically optimized for the WordPress content management software and database oriented websites they also do a lot of updates for you so it's gonna be more secure you don't have to worry about doing that manually and similar to cloud hosting the downsides to this or pricing control so I had to do this from one of my websites it started to get a lot of traffic and the performance of all the websites that were on that shared server and that included both personal and client websites the load speed of all of them started to decline so I knew I had to get my high traffic websites off of that shared server and just keep the low traffic websites on there and when I switched over to managed Press hosting and the company I chose was Ken stay calm the, performance of the website just went through the roof the page for the time before was something between a second to two seconds when I transferred over to Kinston it's now down to like 0.2 seconds so it improved way more than what I could have done by tweaking all the settings within WordPress or anything like that if you're a beginner though don't worry about any of that stuff start with the most basic shared hosting package and get your website up and running if you're ready to do that right now I highly recommend Hostgator I've used them for almost a decade now so they've been around a long time they're very reliable and I think they've been one of the easiest to use go to hostgator.com slash WPC - I'm partnering with them to give you the best offer for a one-year term you'll get 45% off and if you get to the checkout page in another way you can apply this discount using the coupon code wpa2 and if you don't have the time right now to set up your website or maybe you just want a little bit more guidance go to website profit course comm slash beginner I'm gonna put together an email series where you'll get this video along with WordPress 101 tutorials so you can get accustomed to how to edit and create a website with WordPress and on top of that you'll get a full length tutorial step by step on how to create a business website from scratch that should be more than enough to give you the confidence to create your own website this year go ahead and check out that beginner series and if you found this video helpful make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're interested at all in building websites you'll definitely want to subscribe to my channel because I'm gonna be coming out with a lot of videos a lot of short tutorials along with other teaching videos like this my goal this year is really to help as many people create their website I've learned so much through all of my websites personal websites client websites I like to say that websites are the best vehicle to learn about business because you could touch every aspect of business with a website so they're the the perfect launching pad that doesn't take a massive investment you know it doesn't cost that much you can get started for a hundred dollars in almost every case and if you have a little bit more to work with then that's where you want to invest more in the strategy set of things I don't think you want to invest right away and the best technology when you have don't have a web design you don't have any traffic all the links that I mentioned here will be in the description below that's all that I got for you today I want to really thank you for taking the time to watch this and I hope to see you on the next article have a great one everyone. 


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