9 Class Chemistry Guess Paper 2021

Looking for the matric class 9 chemistry important questions and guess paper? Here are the Matric 9th Chemistry Guess Paper 2021 - Important Questions.


Q. 1. What is chemistry? Name its branches and define any three of them.
Q.2. Name any three scientists of the Muslim period or modern period and mite the contributions of each of them.
Q.3. What is the scientific method? Write the names of its four stages and explain them.
Q.4. Write three significant reasons to study chemistry.


Q.1. Define chemical reaction & its types with example (with balanced equation).
Q.2. Define the following terms:
(i) Atomic mass
(ii) Mole (do the practice of its numerical)
(iii) Avogadro’s number (do the practice of its numerical)
(iv) Molar mass (do the practice of its numerical)
(v) Empirical formula
(vi) Molecular formula
Q.3. State the following laws with an example:
(1) Law of conservation of mass(with Lando lt experiment)
(ii) Law of multiple proportions (with example)
(in) Law of constant composition(with example)
(iv) Law of Reciprocal Proportion (with example)
Q.4. Balance the following equation.
(i) NH3+02 ---- NO +H20
(ii) CH,2O6 ----- C2HsOH + CO2
(iii) FeS2+02 ------ Fe203+S02
(iv) Zn+HNO3 -------- Zn(NO)3+H2O4-NH4NO3
(v) C+H2S04 ------- C02+1420+S02
(vi) Ca + HiO ------ Ca(OH)2 + H2
(vii) Na + 02 ------ Na202


Q1. Define the following terms:
(1) Atomic number (ii) Mass number (iii) Radioactivity (Iv) Isotopes
Q.2. Write three postulates of Daltons Atomic theory.
Q.3. How electrons were discovered by discharge tube experiment?
Q.4. Write do the properties of radioactive rays.
Q.5. Calculate the number of electrons. protons and neutrons in followings:

Q.6. Describe the Rutherford experiment. How the Nucleus is discovered in this experiment, give the defects.


Q.1. Define the following terms.
(I) Periodicity (ii) Atomic radii (iii) Electronegativity
(iv) Ionization energy (v) Electron affinity
Q.2. What is meant by periods and groups in the periodic table? How many periods and groups are there
in the modern periodic table? Which period is the longest and which is the shortest?
Q.3. Write three properties of:
(i) Alkali metals (ii) Halogens (iii) Noble gases (iv) Transition metals
Q.4. Define metals, non-metals & metalloids and also write four differences between metals and non-metals.
Q.5. State Mendeleev’s periodic law and also write its 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages.
Q.6. State the following laws.
(1) Dobereiner’s law of triad. (iii) Modem periodic law.
(ii) Newland’s law of the octave


Qi. Define ionic bond and describe the mechanism of formation of ionic bond in NaCI.
Q.2. Differentiate b/w
(1) Polar bond and non-Polar bond
(ii) Covalent bond and co-ordinate covalent bond
Q.3. Write three properties of ionic compounds and covalent compounds.
Q.4. Define the following terms.
(i) Hydrogen bonding. (ii) Dispersion forces
(iii) Metallic bonding (iv) Covalent bond(with types)
(v) Coordinate covalent bond(with example)
(vi) Chemical bond


Q.l. Define the following terms:
(I) Boiling point (ii) Sublimation
(iii) Evaporation (iv) Diffusion
(v) Fusion (vi) Brownian movement
(vii) Freezing point
Q.2. Define diffusion and State Graham’s law of diffusion. Which gas among CO2. CH4 and Hi will diffuse the faster and why? Give reason.


Q.I. Define the following terms
(1) Saturated solution (ii) Unsaturated solution.
(iii) Supersaturated solution (iv) Crystallization
(v) Molarity (do the practice of its numerical) (vi) Molality (do the practice of its Numericals)
(vii) Mole fraction(do the practice of its numerical)
Q.2. Define solubility. Discuss the factors affecting solubility.
Q.3. Write three differences between solution and suspension.


Q. I. Define Electrolysis and describe the electrolysis of NaCI.
Q.2. State and explain Faraday’s first and second law of electrolysis. Numericals based on
Faraday’s First law of electrolysis.
Q.3. Define the following terms.
(1) Electrolytes (ii) Non-electrolytes (iii) Faraday
(iv) Ampere (v) Coulomb (vi) Electrochemistry
(vii) Electro-Chemical equivalent
Q.4. Define Electroplating and describe Nickel plating.
Q.5. Describe the construction and working of
(i) Dry cell (ii) Lead storage battery
Q.6. Write any three advantages of electroplating.


Q.l. Define the following
(1) Neutralization (v) Acidity of base
(ii) Double salt (vi) Basicity of acid
(iii) Titration (vii) Standard solution
(iv) pH (do the practice of its numerical)
Q.2. State Lowry and Bronsted concept or Arrhenius concept of acids and bases and
explain it with example.
Q.3. Write chemical formula of the following compounds:
(I) Potash alum (ii) Soda ash (in) Mohr’s salt
(iv) Baking soda (v) Blue vitriol (vi) Epsom salt
Q.4. Write three uses of
(I) Potash alum (ii) Epsom Salt (iii) Copper sulphate
Q.5. Write two physical and four chemical properties of acids (with chemical equations).


Q.l. Define following terms:
(i) Enthalpy (ii) Heat of neutralization (iii) Exothermic reactions (with example) (iv) endothermic reactions (with example) (v) Thermo chemistry.
Q.2. What is change in Enthalpy (AH)? How does it help to identify the types of thermochemical reaction?


Q.l. Definc the following:
(1) Hygroscopic substance (u) Nascent hydrogen (iii) Heavy water
Q.2. Give three methods used for industrial preparation of hydrogen gas.
Q.3. What is soft water and hard water? Describe how hardness of water can be removed by
(1) Clark’s method (ii) By using Zeolite
Q.4. What is water gas? Describe how hydrogen is separated from water gas?
Q.5. Four uses of Hydrogen gas.
Note: from exercise Q 2b and 4a


Q.l. Differentiate between diamond and graphite.
Q.2. What is silica gel? Give its two uses.
Q.3. What is water glass? give its two uses
Q.4. Define the terms: (I) Catenation (ii) chemical garden


Q. I. What are oxides and classify its types with example.
Q.2. What is aqua regia? How does it dissolve gold?
Q.3. Define oxidation and reduction in three different ways with example.
Q.4. How Nitric acid is prepared by Ostwald’s process.
Q.5. What is ozone? How ozone is produced in atmosphere.
Note: from exercise Q 2b, 3c,6b


Q.1. Define Allotropy and write down the name of allotropic forms of Sulphur and define them?
Q.2. How Sulphuric acid is commercially prepared by Contact Process.
Q.3. Write three uses of sulphuric acid.
Q.4. Describe Frasch Process to extract Sulphur from underground deposits.
Note: from exercise Q 6c and 6d


Q. I. What are halogens? Why are they placed in VU-A group of the periodic table?
Q.2. Write four uses of Halogens in daily life.
Q.3. Describe the preparation of chlorine
(1) By laboratory method (ii) By Nelson’s cell
Q.4. Describe the laboratory preparation of HCI
Q.5. What is Bleaching powder write its two uses.
Q.6. Write three uses of HCI
Note: from exercise Q 4c and 5c.


Q. I. Define the following terms:
(1) mineral (ii) ore (üí) gangue particles (iv) metallurgy
Q.2. Give the chemical formula of the following ores:
(i) Iron pyrite (ii) Copper pyrite (iii) Cryolite (iv) Hacinatite
Q.3. Define Alloy and write do the composition of the following alloys
a) Brass b) Bronze c) Nichrome d) Stainless Steel
Q.4. Describe the extraction of:
(I) Lion by Blast furnace (ii) Aluminum from its oxide ore
Q.5. Give the process of refining of blister copper by electrolysis
Note: from exercise Q 8c.


Q.l. Define following terms:
(i) Homologous series (ii) Functional group (iii) Cracking
(iv) Saturated Hydrocarbons (with examples)
(v) Unsaturated Hydrocarbons (with examples)
(vi) Aromatic Hydrocarbon (with examples)
(vii) Aliphatic Hydrocarbon (with examples)
(viii) Isomerism. Hydrocarbon
(ix) Alicychlic Compound
Q.2. Discuss the halogenation in methane.
Q.3. Define isomerism write down the formulae of isomers of pentane.
Q.4. Describe the preperation of
a) Methane
b) Ethenc
c) Ethyne
Note: From exercise: Q# 10,13 and 19.


Q.1. V1iat arc plastics? what is the difference between thermoplastics and thermosetting
Q.2. How caustic soda(NaOH) is manufactured on large scale by Castner Keliner’s cell?
Q.3. Write note on:
(I) Food preservation (ii) Paints and varnishes (iii) Detergents.
Q.4. What are soaps? Write down the raw materials required for the preparation of soaps
also define sponification.

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