The Biggest Vegan Restaurant In The World

The BIGGEST Vegan Restaurant In The World

The world's largest vegan restaurant is opening in Dubai. Ethiopia planted 350 million trees in one day to fight climate change, and find out which country might tax meat to save the planet. All that and more on LIVE KINDLY'sweekly vegan news. Fast food giant Wendy's might launch vegan burgers soon. During the company's 2019 second quarter earnings call this week, CEO Todd Pen egor revealed that the chain intends on entering the plant-based food scene. "Clearly there is growth out there in plant-based proteins, and we believe thatit is a trend that will be here to stay.
" He added that Wendy's "is taking a hardlook and what the options would be for us at the restaurant." Unlike other fast-food chains like Burger King, White Castle, and Carl's Jr.,Wendy's vegan burger might not offer the popular burgers from brands ImpossibleFoods and Beyond Meat, according to Penegor. Any plant-based options wouldbe unique to Wendy's. The culinary team is currently exploring recipes. Travel giant British Airways is the latest airline to cut ties with SeaWorld. TheUK's second largest airline will no longer sell tickets to any attractionsthat keeps wild animals captive, including dolphin tours. The move wasapplauded by international animal rights group PETA. British Airways previouslypartnered with the David Sheldrick Trust, which operates the most successfulorphaned elephant rescue and rehabilitation program in the world. In2005, the company committed to halting the transportation of animals bound forscientific experimentation.
British Airways joins a growing list of Airlinesand travel companies including United Airlines, Virgin Holidays, WestJet, and Air Canada, breaking away from SeaWorld due to animal welfareconcerns. Adidas has just launched another veganshoe made from recycled ocean plastic. The largest sportswear brand in theworld's newest sneaker is made from plastic collected from beaches andcoastal towns. "The fish eat the trash, then we eat the fish." We're feeding ourselves our own garbage and it's now in our blood streams. We've got to avoid plastic, we've got to get out of the ocean and reuse it. Called the Terrex Two Parley,
it is a collaboration with Parley for the Oceans, an organization that "seeks to synchronize the economic system of humankind with the ecosystem of nature and make environmental protection fiscally lucrative for paysetting majorcompanies." Parley works with partner organizationsin coastal areas of the Maldives to collect the plastic. It then sends theplastic to Taiwan where a processing facility makes it into yarn. It's not thefirst time Adidas has partnered with Parley. The sportswear giant partneredwith a group in 2018 to launch 7,000 pairs of vegan sneakers. Each pair contained 12 plastic bottles worth of waste, with some coming from discardedfishing nets. "More than 8 million tons of plastic waste is washed out into the oceans every year Our actions put it there. It's killing the wildlife, and it's killing you and me." Eric Liedtke, executive board member for Global BrandsAdidas Group said it's "spinning the problem into a solution."
In 2018, Adidasannounced intentions to make all of its products with recycled plastics pulledfrom the ocean before 2024. The change would see around 450 million pairs ofshoes being made with recycled plastic every year. The company has also workedwith sustainable English designer Stella McCartney on several collaborations. Coming up - Royal Caribbean cruises launches a three-course vegan menu COMING SOON. Apparel by LIVEKINDLY. Sign up using the link in the description to get 10% off your first order. Germany is considering a meat axe to cut carbon emissions. Meat is currently relatively cheap across Germany, with just a 7% tax. But lawmakers say a 19% tax on meat could help slash carbon emissions.
Meat is notorious forits impact on the planet and even the UN recently advised that people should eatless of it in order to mitigate climate change. "And it's one of the primary culprits behind every major environmental concern, whether you'retalking about climate change, water pollution, air pollution, or deforestation." Germany isn't alone in suggesting a tax. Earlier this year, British MP Caroline Lucas urged the UK government to seriously consider taxing meat forenvironmental reasons. Meat features in a number of traditional German dishes The national dish, sauerbraten, is a meaty pot roast, and the country is also known forits love of food like the bratwurst (grilled sausage), and schnitzel (breaded pork or chicken).
the nation is slowly The nation is slowly embracing vegan food. In 2017, Mintel data revealed that Germany launched more new vegan products than any other nation. The 2017 documentary "The End of Meat" by director Marc Pierschel, explored the riseof the German vegan food movement in detail. "...the future that doesn't includethe exploitation of animals." In Germany, home of bratwurst and schnitzel, meat is an integral part of the diet. That is,until a few years ago, when perception somewhat evolved. Health concerns andmeat scandals led to a public debate about the ethical implications of meatconsumption, and the rise of plant-based diets," says the website. Cruise Line Royal Caribbean added a three-course vegan dinner to its main dining rooms. The company's Windjammer Buffet has offered plant-based food for some time, but this marks the cruise line's first vegan dining room option. The new menu features edamame stuffedportobello mushrooms, vegan spaghetti Bolognese, and orzo pasta stew with green vegetables. For dessert, there's dairy-free toffee cheesecake with dark chocolate and a peanut butter crust. Royal Caribbean joints other luxury ships in offering plant-based options: including Richard Branson's Virgin Voyages and Oceania. Coming Up - Nearly half the people who buy vegan food do it for the animals. Ethiopia just set a new world record for planting trees. The African nation planted more than 350million trees in one day. Previously, India held the record for themost trees planted in one day, planting 50 million trees within 24 hours in 2016.Ethiopia's tree planting is the product of a national effort against climate change.
"Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed spearheaded theproject which aims to counter the effects of deforestation and climatechange in the drought prone country." The green legacy initiative, a governmentcampaign for a greener, cleaner more environmentally-friendly Ethiopia, aimsto see 4 billion trees planted across the country by the end of the summer. "To help with the current environment and so that we build a resilient economy, aresilient city so that the residents of the city will have more fresh environment." The government is encouraging every citizen to plan atleast 40 seedlings. It even shut down public offices on July 29th so thatcivil servants could partake in the campaign. Last month, a study revealed themind-blowing potential of trees in fighting climate change. Scientistsrevealed that planting billions of trees around the world is the quickest andcheapest way of buying humans more time to save the planet.
"Trees not only helpmitigate climate change by absorbing the carbon dioxide in the air, but they alsohave huge benefits in combating desertification and land degradationparticularly in arid countries," Dr. Dan Ridly Ellis, the head of the Center for Wood Science and Technology at Edinburgh Napier University, told the Guardian. According to NASA, there are now more trees on the planet than there were 20 years ago. Dubai is Dubai is now home to the world's largest veganrestaurant. The biggest city in the United Arab Emirates, already home to theworld's tallest building and the world's biggest shopping mall, just open the newrecord-setting vegan restaurant called Veganity. The restaurant boasts morethan 200 international vegan dishes, offering entrees from gnocchi to friedchicken, and plenty of dessert. Veganity made a name for itselfin Dubai in 2017 when its founder chef Sky Sommers, began catering to thegrowing demand for vegan food in the Middle East with a meal delivery service.Taking it a step further, owner and head chef Sky Sommers wanted to createsomething that's never been done before, by opening the Veganity restaurant inthe heart of Dubai, on the Main Street of City Walk, "creating a haven for vegans andnon-vegans to be able to enjoy healthy, yet soulful gourmet food that's just as enjoyable," a spokesman for the restaurant told the National. According to the company Veganity is expected to expand to Abu Dhabi next with other cities tofollow. New research revealed that nearly half the people who buy vegan food aredoing it for the animals.
According to Health Research International, 47%of consumers who purchase plant-based food and drink feel it's a veryimportant or extremely important for the animals. Health and environmental reasonswere also motivators, with 53% of study participants strongly agreeing with thestatement that "eating vegan food helps to prevent disease." 44% of participantssaid they ate plant-based foods for environmental and sustainability reasons.More consumers are growing aware of the treatment of animals within the meat,dairy, and egg industries.
75% of people surveyed by the nonprofitorganization World Animal Protection found the conditions pigs are kept in"upsetting." Many said they would consider changing their shopping habits afterseeing images of pigs on factory farms, cramped into small pens. Roughly 99% ofanimals raised for food come from factory farms.
This figure was exploredin the 2017 documentary "Eating Animals," produced by Natalie Portman. "What the movie goes into a lot is factory farming which is 99% ofhow all animals, and dairy, eggs included, are raised is in really awful conditions,but also it's like the number-one source of pollution. More than cars, anything else.

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